Vestnik of the Kazan State Agrarian University № 4 (38) 2015

Economic sciences

Amirova E.F. Theoretical questions of defining the essence of grain products subcomplex of agroindustry

A.M. Zalakov, D.I. Fayzrakhmanov, M.M. Khismatullin, A.M. Sabirov, A.Sh. Zaripov State of land-reclamation industry in Tatarstan and main ways of its development

Zakharova G.P. Improving the efficiency of state support of agricultural producers in crisis

Ibragimov L.G., Sabitov L.S. Causes of dispute on the results of cadastral land valuation of settlements

Nuretdinova Yu.V., Khasyanov O.R., Nuretdinov I.G. Optimization of sown area structure of crops by economic and mathematical modeling: practical aspect

Fayzrakhmanov D.I., Mukhametgaliev F.N., Kirillova O.V., Sitdikova L.F. Main supporting directions of Russian agribusiness in the WTO terms

Technical sciences

Belova M.V. Constructional features of resonators of microwave devices for heat treatment of raw materials in operation flow

Galiev I.G., Khusainov R.K. An impact of the technics operating level on indices of tractor usage in agricultural production

Mudrov A.G. Elimination of defects of spatial devices

Tsoy Yu.A., Fokin A.I., Ziganshin B.G., Gayaziev I.N. Modeling and evaluation of milking machines operation with parallel-connecting presses

Agricultural sciences

Gareev I.R. Productivity of potato of different ripening depending on nutrition area and use of calculated doses of fertilizers in the Kama region of the Republic of Tatarstan

Garifullina L.F., Talanov I.P., Karimova L.Z. Impact of pre-sowing treatment of seeds by EHF (extremely-high frequencies) on infestation of plants by diseases and winter wheat productivity

Gibadullin N.F., Gazizov R.A. Architectural planning of pine cutting for recreational forests

Korshunov A.P., Mitrofanov E.L., Vladimirov V.P. Formation of barley harvest depending on the nutrition background and the use of herbicides

Ledenev A.V., Skvortsova I.A. Impact of oil pollution on toxicity level of peat soils

Malikov M.M., Nizamov R.M., Mukhamadiev R.Kh., Minnullin G.S., Suleymanov S.R. Influence of fertilizers on productivity of different types of feed on gray forest soil of the Republic of Tatarstan

Minnullin G.S., Vafina L.T., Vafin N.F., Khismatullin M.M. Influence of fertilizers on forage quality of goat’s rue agrocenoses

Olenin O.A. Negative ecosystem changes in agrobiogeocenose of spring wheat at biologization of its cultivation technology

Pakhomov V.I., Braginets S.V., Bakhchevnikov O.N., Svistunov A.V. Biological safety of crop production of agricultural regions of Russia

Sabirzyanov A.M., Sochneva S.V., Trofimov N.V. Monitoring of suburban agricultural lands on the example of Semiozerka rural settlement of Vysokogorskiy municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Samarkin A.A., Shashkarov L.G. Dynamics of nutrition elements, depending on the calculated doses of mineral fertilizers

Tagirov M.Sh., Sharipova G.F., Shaytanov O.L. The impact of lucerne’s new breeds on the structure of arable layer of heavy-grey forest soils depending on mineral nutrition level

Tuktamyshev I.R. Effeciency of soil tillage minimization at spring rape cultivation

Khasanov A.R. Prophylactic efficacy of “SPL” preparation in the way of placenta delay of cows

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