Vestnik of the Kazan State Agrarian University № 4 (18) 2010


Avkhadiev F.N. The priority actions to improve of intracalculation

Akhmetsagirova G.H. The improvement of public and regional regulation of alcohol-distillery agricultural complex (on the example of Tatarstan Republic)

Beloborodova A.L. The analysis methodologies for assessing the effectiveness of of diversified holdings

Gafiullina L.F., Khismatullin M.M. Corporate model of control on autonomous institutions in socio-cultural sphere in the region

Grigorieva E.A. Economic security in the global financial crisis

Demchenko S.G., Yusupova G.R. Process Control of intra-corporate branding in educational institutions

Zakirova A.R. Developing systems and tools management accounting in the agricultural organizations

Zakirova A.R. Current issues of organizing managerial accounting in the agricultural organizations in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards

Kildyushkina I.G., Samylkin V.A. Organizational and economic aspects of the employment potential in agriculture Economy of the Republic of Mordovia

Kiyamova E.R. Public-private partnership in energy sector:Problems and Perspectives

Klychova G.S., Mavlieva L.M. Need to use scoring system of agricultural credit Consumer Cooperatives

Kulik E.N. Evaluating the effectiveness of corporate control in integrated companies

Lapin A.E., Pustynnikova E.V. The method of analysis of the integration attractiveness of the business in terms of the cluster approach

Mavlyautdinova G.S. Formation of evaluation criteria for "usefulness"ecosystems in the framework of sustainable development

Muzafarova L.A. Historical aspects of development the land Relations in Russia

Mullakhmetova E.R. Development of the audit services market in Russia and abroad

Nasyrov A.M. Marketing activities in the bank

Nikiforova O., Gazetdinov M.H Food supply of milk livestock in RT

Sadykov R.M. The effectiveness of the tax system to encourage Russian business

Serzhanova I.M. Human Development Index as an indicator of quality of life

Fakhretdinova E.N. Analysis of the accounting process of constructing in farms of Tatarstan Republic and the main directions of its perfection

Fonova N.G. Motives for forming a penchant for sponsorship

Khairullin A.N. The effectiveness of inter-regional vertical integration of agricultural formations

Khakimov A.H. Tendencies and features of the Russian entrepreneurship in a crisis

Khasanov I.S. National accounting reproduction of GDP:dynamics of the accumulation of real and financial assets in Russia

Khafizov D.F., Khismatullin M.M., Khismatullin M.M. Some problems of formation of the business environment in the agricultural sector

Khuramshin F.F. Agroleasing and agricultural development in the Republic of Tatarstan


Galeev G.G., Nurmiev A.A., Shiriyazdanov R.R. Justification of farms`need and small farms in tractors

Garifullina R.L. Abdrakhmanov R.K. Determination of water content in diesel fuel by the spin label

Zimagulov T.A., Gumirov M.Sh. Zimagulov A.H. Ways to improve mechanisms and systems of the engine when changing processes and transient load tractor operated machinery

Lotfullin R.Sh., Nguayya M.L., Kubarev A.J., Kubarev Y.G. Study reflection and transmission coefficients of electromagnetic waves in layered dielectric structures

Martyanov A.A., Martyanov A.P., Jakhin S.M. Practical calculation of the elastic elements a large step turns on the strength and stiffness with compressive strain

Olshevskaya V.T. Sorting-irradiated plant training of Seed Industry Performance

Khaliullin D.T., Nurullin E.G. Investigation of movement of grain in confusor rotor obrushivatelya sunflower seeds

Shakirov R.R., Vakhrameev D.A. Determination of optimal parameters of regulation by load transients


Alekseev A., Shashkarov L.G. The content of nutrients in plants of oats according to the variety

Akhmetgaraev R.N., Karimov H.Z. The effectiveness of fertilizing plants with nitrogen in increase the grain protein of barley

Vaisov A.R, Safin R.I. Features of the development and methods of control of superficial necrosis of winter oilseed rape in the Republic of Tatarstan

Vafina L.T., Safiollin F.N. Comparative evaluation of net productivity and mixed crops on the eastern goat??s rue different backgrounds mineral nutrition

Nasibov Sh.N., Voevodin V.A., Bagirov V.A., Iolchiev B.S., Klenovitsky P.M.,Amirshoev F.S., Lesin S.A. Methods of preparation and cryopreservation of seeds for conservation of animal genetic resources

Pakhomova V.M., Buntukova E.K., Daminova A.I., Andreeva T.V.Physiological and biochemical parameters and spring wheat production process in the processing of growing plants microfertilizers different composition

Puryaev A.S., Galiev T.R.Conditions and productivity of pine crops in different soils in the Republic of Tatarstan, Predkamye area

Timoshenkova T.A., Samuilov F.D. Study of preservation of leaves in relation with drought resistance and productivity of different origin varieties spring wheat under steppes of Orenburg, Ural region

Khaliullin M.F. Gabdrakhmanov I.H., Safin R.I. Influence of methods of protection plants in the formation of seed quality characteristics of spring wheat

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