Agricultural sciences
Akhmetzyanova R.R. Method of increasing the productivity of alfalfa seed
Valiev A.A., Ibyatov R.I., Shaykhutdinov F.Sh Modern methods and approaches of information processing of spring wheat productivity
Kuznetsov L.V., Shashkarov L.G.Weed infestation of winter triticale, depending on agricultural practices of cultivation
Marakaeva T.V. Analysis of correlation of vegetable haricot productivity with its structural elements
Nozhenko T.V., Marakaeva T.V. Analysis of crop rotation systems organization of agricultural companies of tyukalinsky district of omsk region onthe landscape and environmental basis
Sabirov A.T., Uldanova R.A. Measures for conservation of sustainable forest of the right bank of Volga
Sabirov A.T.Organization of forest soils monitoring
Singatullin I.K.State of aspen forests of the republic of Tatarstan after the drought of 2010
Timoshenkova T.A., Samuilov F.D.Impact of morphological characters on productivity of spring barley varieties in the steppe zones of Orenburg Ural region
Uldanova R.A., Sabirov A.T.Productivity of stands and evaluation of natural restoration in coastal forests
Shashkarov L.G., Dimitriev V.L., Chernov A.V., Gurev A.A.Prospects оf hashish-free monoecious hemp varieties usage for production of bio- and nano products
Technical sciences
Gayfullin I.Kh., Kashapov I.I., Ziganshin B.G., Rudakov A.I.Calculation of heat balance and justification the parameters of small-sized biogas plant with mesophilic fermentation substrate
Khamitov R.R., Abdrakhmanov R.K., Bulgariev G.G., Kalimullin M.N.Kinematics of movement of gear rotational working unit
Yunusov G.S., Akhmadeeva M.M., Valiev A.R., Gilyazov R.M., Mustafin A.A. Justification of energy and economic indications ofthe combined tool
Economic sciences
Battalova A.R.Food security in the regions of the Volga federal district
Karimov T.R.Upgrade of management of stimulation of innovativeactivities of the entities of agro-industrial complex
Klychova G.S., Nurieva R.I.Features of internal administrative accounting formaton on the state budgetary facilities in agrarian organizations
Krupinova E.S.Microenterprises as an object of accounting
Fayzrakhamanov D.I., Khazeev L.F. The risks, associated with innovation and investment in agroindustrial complex
Shagivaliev L. R.Modern trends of agrarian sector development of the republic of Tatarstan