Economic sciences
Abramkin S.A., Khayaleeva Ch.S., Khannanov M.M. Integration of monetary policy tools and financial markets development in the field of strategic planning
Amirova E.F., Zakharova G.P. Methodical basis of institutional and economic mechanism of grain products systems
Garafutdinova A.G. The development of peasant (farmer) economy in terms of import substitution
Zakharova G.P., Amirova E.F. Government regulation of the grain market in the terms of import substitution
Nurieva R.I. Development of internal control system of state subsidies for agriculture organizations
Nurieva R.I. Improving the reporting forms on the disclosure of government subsidies
Sadrieva E.R., Faskhutdinova M.S. Features of the analysis for management decision making
Sayfutdinov A.F. Specialized agro-industrial formations as a part of institutional subsystem for ensuring the effective functioning of agro-industrial clusters of regional agriculture
Fayzrakhmanov D.I., Mukhametgaliev F.N., Gaynutdinov I.G., Sitdikova L.F. Methodological approaches to assessment of the relationship of agricultural production and rural social infrastructure
Fayzrakhmanov D.I., Mukhametgaliev F.N., Gaynutdinov I.G., Sitdikova L.F. Development of rural social infrastructure and its impact on economic indexes of agricultural production
Khasanov I.Sh. Medium and small enterprises of agriculture, forestry, fishery and hunting sectors of regional economy of the Republic of Tatarstan
Khafizov D.F., Khismatullin M.M. Scientifically based institutional reforms as a factor to accelerate social and economic development of the country
Khayaleeva Ch.S., Abramkin S.A., Karpova N.V. Mega-regulator in search for convergent model from the fiscal policy balance and regulation on financial markets to stimulating the economy
Technical sciences
Bendik N.V. , Ivano Ya.M. Software of modelling of agricultural parameters taking into account natural and technogenic events
Valiev A.R., Matveev I.N., Schitov S.V. Eduction of the total power consumption through increasing the unit motion stability
Galiev I.G., Khusainov R.K Determining the list of factors, characterizing the terms of tractors operation
Khafizov R.N. Method of crop energy calculation, lost because of the negative impact of tractor’s propeller on the soil
Khafizov R.N. Methods of complex experiment of determining the dependence of the tractor propeller pressure on the soil according to the tractor’s parameters, propeller and physical and mechanical properties of the soil
Agricultural sciences
Babintseva T.V., Mikheeva E.A., Makaev Kh.N. Indices of immune responses of bulls in the necrobacillosis vaccination of the cattle
Vildanova G.V., Blokhin V.I., Lanochkina M.A., Nizhegorodtseva L.S. Dna-genotyping of spring barley to loose smut resistance by pcr method
Gareev I.R., Chekmarev P.A., Vladimirov V.P. Potato productivity of different groups of ripeness, depending on methods of agro-machinery cultivation on gray forest soils of the middle Volga steppe
Zubarev S.V, Ganiev A.M., Garaev R.I., Shaykhutdinov F.Sh., Serzhanov I.M., Shajhraziev Sh.Sh. Sowing quality and crop indexes of spring wheat seeds of different seeding rates in the northern forest-steppe zone of Volga
Zubarev S.V, Ganiev A.M., Garaev R.I., Shaykhutdinov F.Sh., Serzhanov I.M., Shajhraziev Sh.Sh. Sowing and productive quality of seeds, depending on the nutrition background in the Kama area of the republic of Tatarstan
Kuznetsov N.A.European ash (fraxinus excelsior) in the republic of Tatarstan
Minnikhanov A.R. Selection of trees and shrubs assortment for protective afforestation in the republic of Tatarstan
Mostyakova A.A., Chekmarev P.A., Vladimirov V.P. Management of potato productivity with the use of growth regulators in the forest-steppe area of the middle Volga
Musin Kh.G., Gazizov R.A., Shaykhaliev R.R. Landscape felling in forest reproduction
Mukhitov L.A., Timoshenkova T.A., Samuilov F.D. Resistant of triticum aestivum varieties of different origin to biotic stressors on the forest-steppe and steppe zones of Orenburg Urals
Prischepa T.S., Patieva S.V. Nutritinoal and biological value of new types of meat-and-cereal preserves for dietary preventive human nutrition
Sabirov A.M., MukhametshinaA.R. Efficiency of pre-sowing treatment of common spruce seeds with such fertilizers as “Bioplant flora”, “Gumat” and nitrogen fertilization
Turnin S.L., Karimova L.D., Nizhegorodtseva L.S., Safin R.I. Assessment of productivity and ecological plasticity of spring soft wheat varieties in the republic of Tatarstan
Fadeev I.D., M.Sh.Tagirov, Valiullina G.N., Gazizov I.N. New varieties of winter wheat of Tatar agricultural research institute breeding
Fatykhov I. Sh. , Kolesnikova V.G., Zakharov K.V. The productivity of oats of yakov variety, depending on pre-sowing treatment of seeds and seeding rates
Yunusov R.A. Some aspects of import substitution in the beet-sugar industry