Economic sciences
Battalova A.R., Kundakchyan R.M. Problems of food safety of Russia in the globalized economy
Bokova L.M., Bulguchev M. Organization of crafts and hospitality
Dmitrieva O.Yu. Main directions of improving financial literacy in Russia
Klychova G.S., Kozmenkov I.A. Features of other information check in documents, containing audited financial (accounting) reporting of agricultural enterprises
Kostoeva A.A., Barakhoeva M.S. To the issue of cash flow management to make effective administrative decisions
Musaeva G.I., Fayzrakhmanov D.I. Social and economic assessment of employment and unemployment in Kazakhstan
Mukhametgaliev F.N., Khismatullin M.M., Khisamov R.G. Leasing of technique as a tool for development of agricultural production
Safiullin A.R., Safina G.G. Critical appraisal of modern analysis techniques of competitiveness and competitive advantages
Safiullin A.R., Safiullina K.G., Gataullina L.R. Industry profile as the basis of competitive advantages of the territory
Fayzrakhmanov D. I., Mukhametgaliev F. N., Kirillova O. V., Sitdikova L. F. Peculiarities of state support of agrarian sector of economy of Russia and its role in supporting food security in the country
Fakhretdinova E.N., Gilmullina A.M. Components of financial statements and procedure for submission of users: Russian and international aspects
Shakota Yu.N., Keniyz N.V. Development of half-finished production in Russia
Technical sciences
E.Z. Asadullin, F.F. Iblyaminov, T.R. Zakirova Main directions of technical service development in agriculture of Tatarstan
Kislitsyna N.A., Yunusov G.S., Leukhin A.N., Ziganshin B.G. Justification of pulsation device modes for division of liquid food systems
Mudrov A.G. Analysis of lifting mechanism operation of hoisting machnies
Nagarokova D.K., Nesterenko A.A. Use of new technologies in summer sausage production
Ovchinnikov D.A., Ovchinnikov V.A., Chatkin N.M. Disk sowing apparatus for seeding small-seeded crops
Priporov E.V., Kartokhin S.N. The analysis of the factors, influencing on longitudinal stability of tractor
Timolyanov K.A., Savenkov D.N. Justification of hopper’s bottom profile with side outlet, ensuring stable and complete outflow of the grain
Yakhin S.M., Aliakberov I.I., Gurgenidze Z.D., Mustafin A.A. Improving the design of disk unit for grinding sugar beet seeds
Agricultural sciences
Alekperov R.A., Abbasov N.K. Biomorphological, environmental and medical properties of certain members of the genus mentha l. family lamiaceae lindl, distributed in flora of Nakhchivan autonomous republic
Galiev F.F., Ganiev A.M., Shaykhutdinov F.Sh., Sezhanov I.M. Influence of particular agrotechnical methods on productivity and quality of spring wheat seeds in the Volga area of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Glushko S.G., Kurbanov S.G., Prokhorenko N.B. The role of exogenous factors in the forest biota formation
Zubkova L.I., Zvereva E.A., Andrianova E.V. The influence of udder diseases on reproductive qualities of cows
Karimov A.Z., Khismatullin M.M., Safiollin F.N. Aftereffect of varieties and hybrids of spring rape, grown on different backgrounds of mineral nutrition, on spring wheat of Ekada 70 variety
Miftakhov T.F., NureevaT.V., Puryaev A.S. Structure of an artificial pine stands in the fresh suramen of the Kama region of Republic of Tatarstan
Mikhaylova M.Yu., Talanov I.P., Karimova L.Z. Effect of maize hybrids to application of mineral fertilizers doses in the Volga region on the Republic of Tatarstan
Muratov M.R., Gilyazov M. Yu. Correlation of grain and leguminous crops yield from agrochemical soil parameters and weather conditions
Nikiforova I.Yu., Kadyrova F.Z. Selection of sown millet to immunity of melanosis at the Kama zone of the Republic of Tatarstan
Osipov G.E. Susceptibility of varieties and forms of apple trees by scab in the Republic of Tatarstan
Singatullin I.K. Status of fir forests in the Republic of Tatarstan
Suleymanov S.R.,Nizamov R.M. Removal, the utilization of nutrients sunflower depending on the application of biological products
Tikhonova M.A., Gaysin I.A., Yapparov A.K., Sharonova N.L., Ilyasov M.M. Influence of chelated microfertilizers application on productivity of middle-maturing potatoes
Turnin S.L., Karimova L.D., Nizhegorodtseva L.S., Safin R.I. Ecological plasticity of spring barley varieties in the republic of Tatarstan
Yakhyaev A.B. Features of raw wood use of beech forests of Great Caucasus