Vestnik of the Kazan State Agrarian University № 2 (24) 2012


Abdrazakov F.K., Petrovskaya Yev. N. Establishing a "fair" price for dairy products with the analysis of consumers survey results

Danilova O.A. beef conglomerate formation – the basis of increasing of meat production competitiveness in the republic of Mari El

Klychova G.S., Zakirova A.R., Klychova A.S. United analytical and synthetic accounting fur farming

Mamaeva V.E. The role of integrated agroformations in the development of the agrarian sector of Mari El republic

Nasyrova Z.K., Galiev R.G. New forms of poultry farming organization in Tatarstan

Nureeva А.М. Theoretical approaches to the concept of consumer cooperatives sustainable development

Safiullin N.Z., Khadeeva R.V. Evolution of securities market as an economic institution

Safiullina A.M. Role of production costs in management poultry-farming region podotraslju

Subaeva A.K. Competitiveness of Russia agriculture material and technical base

Khayrullina S.F. Fodder production development in the republic of Tatarstan: the present and prospects

Yuricheva N.V. Theoretical foundations of «industrial capacity» category appliance


Bochagin A.I. The registration of inoculum in seminal dust by piezoresonance sensor seeding

Galeev G.G., Shiriyazdanov R.R. The justification of parameters of universal tractors of 15-20 kn circuit with wheel 6k6

Mudrov A.G., Mudrova A.A. The theory of mechanisms – to the power saving and production efficiency

Khayrullina L.I., Zinnatullina G.N. Health and safety in agriculture: safety first

Khaliullin F.Kh., Galeev G.G., Shiriyazdanov R.R. Software review for the simulation of the power plants mobile machines

Shaydullin Z.G. Reception of spatial position of defined itemon measured distances up to starting points

Yunusov R.G., Bulgariev G.G., Pikmullin G.V., Danilov V.P. The justification of furrow parameters and resistivity of gear spiral-plate tools

Yahin S.M., Mardanov R.Sh., Aliakberov I.I. The drum type seed treater design improvement


Amirov M.F. Effect of seed pre-treatment by trace elements on yield and grain quality of hard spring wheat

Besschetnov V.P., Besschetnova N.N. Integrated assessment of plus trees of a scots pine on the needles parameters

Ilin F.S., Musin Kh.G. Efficiency of little value young animals reconstruction in the Republic of Tatarstan

Kolesnik Е.А., Derkho М.А. The influence of season on the correlation of growth rate and broiler chickens safety with the level of blood biochemical parameters

Minikaev R.V., Khisamova G.Sh., Sayfieva G.S. Resourse-saving technology at barley cultivation on grey wood soil of the Republic Tatarstan

Moiseev Y.F., Samarkin А.A., Shashkarov L.G. Potato yield depending on agrotechnical methods of cultivation

Prokhorov I.P. Peculiarities of both growth and meat productivity of black-and-white breed bull-calves and their crosses with Aberdeen-anguses and Сharolets

Sabirov A.T., Uldanova R.A., Zhubrin D.S. Perspectives of coastal forest studies

Streltsov V.A., Tkacheva N.S. Age morphology and histology of the egg hens pancreas

Timoshenkova T.A., Samuilov F.D. Evaluation of drought tolerance and productivity of spring wheat varieties of different origin by the number of green leaves and color intensity at the steppe Orenburg zone of the Urals

Khuzina G.K., Chernova V.A., Talanov I.P. Efficiency of broad beans cultivation depending on a water mode of soil and food area

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