Vestnik of the Kazan State Agrarian University № 1 (39) 2016

Agricultural sciences

Akhmetzyanov M.R., Talanov I.P., Vafina L.T. Phytosanitary state of crops and winter rye productivity

Blokhin V.I., Lanochkina M.A., Vildanova G.V., Ganieva I.S., Shaytanov O.L., Talanov I.P. Formation of protein in barley grain, cultivated inTatarstan

S.G. Glushko Evaluation of qualitative state of forest ecosystems in relation to their dynamics

Zolotareva L.I., Maksimov V.A., Ivanova L.I., Vinogradov G.M. Spring barley - main feed crop of the Republic of Mari El

Kelgenbaev N.S., Besschetnov V.P., Mambetov B.T. Results of reforestation in Medeo hole after disasters

Lebedeva Z.G., Shashkarov L.G. Formation of crop density and structure of spring wheat crop, depending on the variety and pre-sowing treatment of seeds

Lisovitskaya E.P., Patieva S.V. The use of plant components for formation complexing ability of functionality meat products

Ovchinnikov A.P., Shashkarov L.G. Density composition of topsoil, depending on variety and methods of basic soil cultivation

Fayzrakhmanov D.I., Sabirov A.M., Khuziakhmetov R.Kh., Khabibullin G.G., Sabirov A.A. Innovative ways of fertilizers production and training - a basis for safety agricultural production in the Republic of Tatarstan

Sapega V.A. Parameters of productivity and ecologic resistance of cucumber varieties and hybrids in the open ground

Talanov P.I., Stepura A.V., Talanov I.P., Morozov G.A. Impact of pre-sowing treatment of seeds by superweak electromagnetic fields of extremely-high frequency on productivity and quality of winter wheat grain

Fayzrakhmanov D.I., Sabirov A.M., Minnikhanov A.R.,Gazizov R.A. Importance of seedlings growing in closed root system in afforestation and reforestation

Khismatullin M.M., Sochneva S.V., Vafina L.T., Sayfutdinov A.D. Design and development of crop rotation, saturated perennial grasses - thebasis of food supply enhancement and agriculture biologization (by the example of LLC “Khaerbi” of Laishevo municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan)

Technical sciences

Bulgariev G.G., Pikmullin G.V., Yunusov R.G., Shiriyazdanov R.R. Motion equation of tooth blade of spiral-plate working unit in space

Gaynutdinov A.D., Shamsutdinov F.A., Pikmullin G.V. Hardening of blade units of soil tillage machines by method of electrical of contact continuous flashing

Galeev S.Kh., Murtazin R.Sh., Valiev A.R. Development and research of universal tillage machine to create mineralized strips

Ziganshin B.G., Shogenov Yu.Kh., Lukmanov R.R., Mustafin A.A. Technical solutions for increasing of machine milking cows efficiency

Kalimullin M.N., Gilfanov R.M., Abdrakhmanov R.K. Model of relationship of colorado beetle destruction fullness to rotary speed and haulm chopper speed

Mudarisov S.G., Rakhimov Z.S., Farkhutdinov I.M., Valiulin I.E., Akhmetyanova I.I. Modelling of tillage workflow on sloping agricultural landscapes

Savinykh P.A., Filipchik V.A., Aleshkin A.V. Influence of technological parameters of cantilever-type scraper for manure disposal on its performance indicators

Khaliullin F.Kh., Akhmetzyanov I.R. Assessment of accumulated burn time limit of engine on amount of compression in the cylinder

Economic sciences

Valeeva G.A., Khammadeeva L.K. Analysis of grain market capacity and its segments in the Republic of Tatarstan

Valieva G.R., Khazeev L.F., Fayzrakhmanov D.I. Evaluation of economic risk in agricultural enterprises

Klychova G.S., Khamidullin Z.Z. Current issues in monitoring and control of receivables

Sharofov U., Izatov A. Development of cooperative and integration processes - a basis of agricultural sector stability

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