Economic sciences
Akhmetov R.G., Stratonovich Yu.R., Fayzrakhmanov D.I. Provision of Russian population in the beef - current state and solutions
Akhmetov R.G., Baybekov R.F, Zaltan E.I., Fayzrakhmanov D.I. Innovative agriculture – priority of sector development
Vashurov M.V. Khismatullin M.M., Galyautdinov Z.Z. Status and prospects of tourism industry development in the context of seasonal factors of destinations
Gumarova F.Z., Tsaregorodtsev E.I. Factors, determining the competitiveness of the agricultural sector in the region
Klychova G.S., Zakirova A.R., Kamilova E.R. Development of social initiatives accounting in agricultural organizations
Mavlieva L.M. Financial accounting in agriculture
Romanova T.E. Cluster technology is a tool for agricultural cooperation process development
Ryabchikova N.N. Effectiveness of regional policy of dairy production development and key issues of its reform
Fayzrakhmanov D.I., Muhametgaliev F.N., Sitdikova L.F. Strategic objectives of agriculture development of the Republic of Tatarstan
Khadeeva R.V., Galyautdinova G.Z. Current problems of the securities market research
Khayrullov D.S., Ovchinnikova A.D. Sustainable development of regional economy in modern conditions
Technical sciences
Ibyatov R.I., Dmitriev A.V., Lotfullin R.Sh. To calculate the trajectory of grain movement In the workspace of rotor peeler with reversible deck
Priporov I.E., Shaforostov V.D. Classification of optical photoseparators for sunflower seed sorting
Khaliullin F.Kh., Medvedev V.M., Shiriyazdanov R.R. Mathematical model for determining operational parameters of power plants of mobile machines at unsteady operation modes
Khafizov K.A. Khafizov R.N. Energy optimization method of main parameters of tractors
Khafizov K.A., Khafizov R.N. Identification number of equipment, necessary for agriculture of Tatarstan
Shiriyazdanov R.R., Khaliullin F.Kh., Patoka G.V. The results of the application of simulation modeling to define optimal characteristics and operating modes of mobile transport machines in agriculture
Agricultural sciences
Abrosimova T.N., Fadeeva A.N. The variation of productivity and its elements of the collection of vegetable green pea
Amirov M.F., Amirova A.M. Assessment of biological and chemical fertilizers influence on productivity of spring wheat hard
Butyaykin V.V. Influence of fertilizers on formation of productivity of sugar beet hybrids
Gareev I.R., Vladimirov V.P., Egorov L.M., Vladimirov K.V. Productivity and quality of Sprint variety potato tubers, depending on planting time
Egorov L.M., Vladimirov V.P., Lisitsyn S.V. Influence of mineral nutrition and leaf stripper periods on productivity and quality of potato tubers in the Middle Volga forest-steppe
Zheldak V.I., Doroschenkova Е.V. Ecological and silviciltural regulation of creation of forest plantation and their exploitation
Karimov A.Z., Safiollin F.N. Optimization of mineral supply for Salsa and Hunter hybrids of spring rape for planned productivity on dark gray forest soil of the Republic of Tatarstan
Karimova L.Z., Karimov Kh.Z. Development of ecological methods for increasing soybean yields
Magdeev N.G., Gazizov R.A. Analysis of antifire measures efficiency in Tatarstan
Maksimov V.A., Ivanova L.I., Vinogradov G.M., Zolotareva R.I. Ecological testing of new winter triticale varieties in the Republic of Mari El
Mikhaylov M.Yu., Talanov I.P. Effect of calculated dozes of fertilizers on the formation of green mass of corn hybrids in the Volga region of the Republic of Tatarstan
Mostyakova A.A., Egorov L.M., Vladimirov V.P., Vladimirov K.V. Ways to increase the photosynthetic activity of early maturing potato of Zhukovskiy ranniy variety in the Middle Volga forest-steppe
Mukhametova S.V. Variability of fruits and seeds weight indicators of hawthorn representatives in Mari El Republic
Singatullin I.K., Yatmanova N.M. Shrinkage of fir-forest in Tatarstan after 2010
Timoshenkova T.A., Samuilov F.D. Selection of grain on adaptability to steppe conditions of Southern Urals