Vestnik of the Kazan State Agrarian University № 1 (31) 2014


Gaynutdinov I.G. Role of agribusiness staffing in improving the efficiency of land resources

Grigoreva S.V. Scorecard for analysis and evaluation of strategic stability of companies

Kulagina N.A. Agribusiness management on the basis of economic security passport formation

Malsagov I.A. Background and development trends of integrated accounting information in the management system

Nikiforova O.V, Mukhamedzyanov K.Z. Insurance contributions: calculation and payment procedure

Nuretdinova Yu.V., Nuretdinov I.G. Natural and economic factors, determining farmland quality

Fayzrakhmanov D.I., Gazetdinov Sh.M. Problems of small and medium enterprises development in agricultural section

Khabibullin E.A. Long-term investment problems in agriculture 


Dmitriev S.Yu. The usage of an alternative energy source at the service station of LLC “Tatneft” in highway M7

Erov Yu.V., Shaydullin Kh.Kh., Shaykhov M.K., Babchenko V.D. Innovative technologies and techniques introduction experience for cultivation and post-harvest handling of grain and seeds

Ibyatov R.I., Sirazeva D.F. Calculation of swirled non-isothermic layer flow of two-phase non-Newtonian medium on a conical surface

Nesterenko A.A., Zaytseva Yu.A. Application of launching cultures in ham production technology

Nurullin E.G., Salakhov I.M., Dmitriev A.V. Mathematical models of seeds movement in the main chamber of mechanical-air treater

Panov D.K., Reshetnyak A.I. Symbiotic effect of trehalose and electromagnetic influence on meat, as a means of sausage technology improvement

Savenkov D.N. Justification the hopper outlet form, which provides constant discharge of the grain 


Abramov A.G. Formation of beet uterine roots, depending on cropping time and plantation density

Akhmetzyanov M.R., Talanov I.P. Nutrition background effect on productivity of oats

Gazizov I.N., Tagirov M.Sh., Fadeeva I.D. Influence of nitrogen nutrition level on efficiency and quality of winter wheat in kama region of the Republic of Tatarstan

Gazizullin A.Kh., Ignateva L.N. Integral evaluation of prospect of coniferous introducers at dendrologial garden of saby training and experimental forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan

Gibadullin N.F. Forest fund in the recreational potential structure of Kama region

Gilaev I.G., Shakirov R.S. Productivity of Ekada 66 spring wheat variety, depending on fertilizer systems at various ways of basic tillage of gray forest soil

Glushko S.G. Value of cuttings for reproduction of coniferous-deciduous forests of Middle Volga region

Zhubrin D.S., Sabirov A.T. Soil conditions of forest vegetation growth for northern Volga

Ilyasov M.M., Yapparov A.Kh., Shaykhutdinov F.Sh., Sharonova N.L., Khisamutdinov N.Sh. Winter wheat crop formation, depending on the fertilizer system while minimizing basic tillage

Karaseva M.A., Karasev V.N., Lezhnin K.T., Panyushkina N.V. Influence of the soil reclamation plants on the forest vegetative properties of soil and growth of the crops of pinus sylvestris in the pine forests conditions

Kolesnikova V.G., Fatykhov I.Sh., Tikhonova O.S. Chemical composition of oat grains of Ulov and Vyatskiy varieties

Murav’ev D.V., Kalachinskaya A.M. Drone homogenate and laying hens productivity

Sabirova R.M., Shakirov R.S. Influence of fertilizers on overwintering and yields of “Kazanskaya 560” winter wheat variety

Spichkov S.I., Fomin V.N. Influence of basic tillage methods, fertilizers and plant protection products on of plants on contamination, agrophysical properties of the soil and efficiency of barley

Trofimov N.V., Safiollin F.N., Minnullin G.S. Main factors of crop formation of fescue seeds on gray forest soils of the Republic of Tatarstan

Uldanova R.A. Formation of right bank forest phytocenoses of the river Volga

Sharipova G.F., Tagirov M.Sh. Change of gray forest soil agrochemical characteristics under the influence of various factors

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