Avkhadiev F.N., Mikhaylova L.V. Investment as a method on agricultural sector regulation in Russia
Bekkalieva N.K. Formation of product marketing strategy in the activity of the industrial and agro-industrial enterprises
Bulguchev M.Kh. Models of small forms of management base directions
Gazetdinov Sh.M. Present state and development of small and medium business in the agrarian sector of Tatarstan
Gaysin R.S., Fayzrakhmanov D.I., Akhmetov R.G. Expansionist policy of demand management as a policy of customer and food producers support in the WTO
Elsukova T.V. Budgeting based on TA accounting (throughput accounting) management
Klychova A.S. Theoretical basis of land and resources management in agricultural organizations40
Safiullin N.Z., Minullina R.I., Ismagilova G.N. Economic value of added of innovative company, its components and growth
Khafizov D.F., Khismatullin M.M., Isaycheva E.S. Issues of institutional reforms in the agrarian sphere
Khafizov D.F., Khismatullin M.M., Isaycheva E.S. Essence and significance of entrepreneurship in institutional reforms
Khusainov I.F. Financial statements formation of small and medium-business
Shelest M.V. The role of small business in agriculture of Volgograd region
Adigamov N.R., Sovenkov V.A. Restoration of worn-out working surfaces of cylinders and plungers of axially plunger hydraulic pumps
Adigamov N.R., Sharifullin S.N., Slavnin S.V. Plazma technology prospects in plunger pair recovery of high pressure fuel pump of automotive diesel engines
Demyanov V.I., Valiev A.R., Zemdikhanov M.M. Analysis of onion motion in the roller area of heap rotor
Ziganshin B.G., Gayaziev I.N., Mustafin A.A., Kashapov I.I., Gaynutdinov R.R. Investigation of an influence of forcing port area on the energetic parameters of double-rotor vacuum pump
Mustafin A.A., Ziganshin B.G. Analysis of twin-vacuum pump experimental results
Khaydarov R.R., Ziganshin B.G. Root crops shredding quality evaluation
Gibadullin N.F. Foundations of natural park arrangement on Belebeevsk-bugulma hill
Demakhina E.Yu. Peculiarities of corn-flies (Diptera, Chloropidae) settlement on soft spring wheat in Kama agrocenosis of the Republic of Tatarstan
Demakhina E.Yu. Means of control of crop-flies (Diptera, Chloropidae) in Kama agrocenosis of the Republic of Tatarstan
Zakharov A.V., Alekseev I.A. Interconnection of wood-destroying fungi of main tree species on their distance from the water in the coastal zone of Cheboksary reservoir
Isaychev V.A., Andreev N.N., Kaspirovskiy A.V. Growth regulators impact on the content of heavy metals in Zemlyachka variety of spring wheat in the Middle Volga
Kovalenko M.V., Markovskaya G.K. Primary tillage methods impact on soil fermentative activity
Kokonov S.I., Dyukin R.F. Millet forage productivity depending on predecessors and pre-sowing soil treatment in the Middle Urals
Musin Kh.G., Zaripov D.I. Some aspects to the recreational forest assessment
Pakhomova V.M., Buntukova E.K., Daminova A.I. Functional state and productivity of spring wheat under foliar treatment by Manganese, Boron-containing microfertilizer
Talanov I.P., Khusainov R.R. Winter rye yield and grain quality formation, according to the tillage methods and nutrient backgrounds in gray forest soil of the Republic of Tatarstan
Timoshenkova T.A., Samuilova F.D. Influence of photosynthetic surfaces of different plant organs on spring wheat varieties yield in the Orenburg steppes129
Khusainov R.R. Tillage and nutrition backgrounds influence on water and nutrient regime of winter rye
Shakirov R.S., Gilaev I.G. Fertilizers and tillage systems influence on feeding regimeand soil biological activity of spring wheat
Shakirov R.S., Sabirova R.M. Yield productivity of Kazanskaya 560 winter wheat depending on the nutrition and fertilizers background