Vestnik of the Kazan State Agrarian University № 1 (23) 2012


R.G. Akhmetov, U.R. Stratonovich, D.I. Faizrakhmanov Current status and facilities for stable provision of Russian population with dairy products

A.R. Valiev, F.N. Mukhametgaliev, R.K. Sitdikov, F.F. Khuramshin Main areas of agroleasing improvement

G.R.Valievа, N.A.Safiullin Job features of innovative managers in agrarian and industrial complex

R.R. Gimadieva, N.A Safiullin Features of government support for small farms innovation

E.A. Zakirov The fundamentals of value-stream costing method

V.V. Zakharov, I.N. Nasyrov, M.N. Nasyrov, L.R. Davletova, A.R. Fardeeva Climatic risks of small business for the production of ecologically clean food stuff

G.S. Klychova, A.R. Zakirova, A.S. Klychova Development of primary records in fur farming

S.E. Kuklev Theoretical bases of business process management (bpm) at the industrial enterprise

A.P. Mischenko Industrial enterprises restructuring

A.N. Molokin, T.E. Romanova Government regulation in the construction and development of high-tech family farms in the Republic of Tatarstan

F.N. Mukhametgaliev Problems of innovation development of agriculture in the conditions of russia entry into the world trade organization

D.V. Neizvestnaya Accounting peculiarities for the definition of their formation at internal water transport enterprises

A.N. Polukhina, M.V. Talalaev The economy analysis of tourism area development in the Volga Federal district regions

D.V. Safina Condition of the correlation rate of the growth capacity and payment of the labour in agriculture of the Republic Tatarstan

N.N. Urban Economic activity transformation of consumer’s cooperation enterprises

M.S. Faskhutdinova Budget formation for the cost control in the management accounts system

D.S. Khayrullov, L.M. Eremeev Stability issues of social and economic development of the region

L.I. Khakimova Institutional Regulationof reproduction processes

D.F. Khafizov, M.M. Khismatullin Problems of rural tourism as a kind of important non-agricultural business


R.A. Andreev, H.S. Faskhutdinov, R.R. Shaikhutdinov Analysis of force action on a drop of liquid in the hole of cross-section shape of a circle

Z.H. Zinnatullina I.M. Nafikov, R.G. Galimullin, G.N. Zinnatullina The annular channel’s hydrodynamics of well drilling

J.I. Matjashin , L.F. Siraziev, A.R. Valiev, K.V. Fedulkina Improvement of driveless rotary tools for the surface tillage

A.G. Mudrov, A.A. Mudrova The problems of power saving

A.A. Mustafin, B.G. Ziganshin, R.R. Gaynutdinov, I.N. Gayaziev Design procedure of roots vacuum pump with involute gear

D.К. Samigullin, А.А. Tukhvatullin, К.А. Khafizov Counting experiments’ results using the energetic mathematic model of grain combines

R.R. Khaydarov, B.G. Ziganshin Universal root crop shredder ikh-5,5


R.G. Akhmetov, E.A. Vasilyeva The choice of housing technology for stationary bee apiary

V.P. Vladimirov, M.T. Gainutdinov, V.I. Appakov Preplant methods of grey forest soil treatment and potatoes productivity

V.P. Vladimirov, M.T. Gainutdinov, V.I. Appakov Agricultural ways of potato productivity increasing in grey forest soil of Middle Volga steppe

I.D. Davlyatshin, O.V. Avvakumov, A.A. Lukmanov Тhe criterion of agricultural land cadastre evaluation

L.Z. Karimova Features of spring barley crop formation and development of helminthosporium on different spring barley varieties

R.N. Minnikhanov New possibilities of aspen wood and other deciduous trees use in the Republic of Tatarstan

Kh.G. Musin, A.M. Sabirov Current state of protective trees in the Republic of Tatarstan and their environmental and economic efficiency

Z.Z. Salikhova, Е.А. Gimaeva, Z. Stashevski Assesment of interspecific potato breeding lines resistance to late blight and viruses

A.R. Safina Effectiveness of different norms of ammonium nitrate application in cultivating seedlings spruce in Predkama zone of the Republic of Tatarstan

I.Sh. Fatukhov, Ch.М. Islamova, Т.N. Ryabova Planting depth influence on the seeds yield of oats “Konkur” in the Middle Urals

G.V. Shiryaev, R.I. Safin Physiologically active substances efficiency on crop formation and grain quality of spring wheat in Kama region the Republic of Tatarstan

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