Avkhadiev F.N. Development of integration processes in agri-food sector in the Republic of Tatarstan
Ashirova S.A. The strategy entry on foreign markets the enterprise-producers of submersible pump equipment
Bulguchev M.H. Comparative analysis of the socio-economic capacity of the Republic of Ingushetia for the development of farm production
Volkova S.N., Potemkin S.N. Innovative approaches to human use of secondary raw materials
Dyatlova A.F. The influence of specific features agricultural production on developing the accounting in the agricultural sector
Zakirova A.R. Conceptual Foundations of Management Accounting
Zakirova A.R. IAS 41 "Agriculture": features of accounting
Ismagilov R.I., Safiullin L.N. Information and economic aspects of forestry development
Ismagilova G.N., Safiullin N.C. Methodological peculiarities of consumer demand for goods durable under asymmetric information
Klychova G.S., Zakirova A.R. The method of forming the inner management reporting in Agricultural Organization
Mavlyautdinova G.S. The algorithm for calculating the risk of destabilization state of ecological and economic systems: on the example of the pool the river Sviyaga
Mukhametgaliev I.N. The system of material incentives in agricultural organizations as an integral part of the budget process
Myznikova M.N. Khametzyanova O. H. Methodological issues assessment of commercialization the intellectual property
Norkina K.V. Methods of determining the price of machine-hours operation of construction machines and mechanisms mechanization in managenet
Smirnov A.A., Popova E.V. Investment in the agricultural sector
Sungatullina L.B. Accounting and analytical aspects of the optimization system of monetary compensation of staff
Faizrakhmanov M.D., Karimov T.R. Management incentives innovation refineries enterprises based on Business Unit Management
Khairullin A.N. Best practices for storage of maize,grown for fodder purposes
Kharisov I.K. Prerequisites for the collection of evidence in an internal audit
Khafizov D.F., Khismatullin M.M., Isaycheva E.S.Khismatullin M.M. Forms of economic development in the agricultural sector for 20 years of economic reform
Khuramshin F.F. Leasing and efficiency of agricultural production
Shibakov V.G., Ashirova S.A. Features of the penetration the domestic pump engineering to foreign markets: marketing approach
Aliakberov I.I. The results of experimental studies tumble dryers energy saving type
Antonov V.V., Kuznetsov V.G., Zinnatullin N.H., Bulatov A.A., Zinnatullina G.N.Removing the liquid phase from raw material, has a complex internal structure
Vafin N.F. Justification of the aerator-parameters of grassland .fertilizer..
Dmitriev A.V., Nurullin E.G. Theoretical determination of the energy scaling on pneumomechanical scalper grain
Lukmanov R.R., Volkov I.Y., Ziganshin B.G. Analytical method of calculation of some technological parameters of the robot arm milking
Mishin P.V. Maximov E.A., Sovin K.G. Determination of maximum permissible working width of cultivator
Pikmullin G.V. , Bulgariev G.G. Methods of designing forms working member tiller for tillage
Faskhutdinov H.S., Mavlyudov F.N., Shamsutdinov F.A. Calculation of the parameters of power cooperation in the technological area of electric fusion treatment
Yunusov, GS, Gilyazov RM, Mayorov AV Combined unit for seedbed preparation
Glushkov V.V., Yunusov G.S., Maslova N.F., Marshalova A.N. Resource- processing technology of sod-podzolic soils in Mari-El
Ivanov N.I. On the development of planning documents and organizing the use of and protection of agricultural lands
Karimova R.G. Status of humoral immunity in receipt of a substituted benzodifurazana into the body of white rats
Karimova RG.., Garipov T.V. The intensity of metabolism in rats prolonged admission substituted benzodifurazana
Kadyrov F.Z., Nikiforov I.Y. Middle-productivity varieties of millet food use in cultivation in the Predkamye area of the Republic Tatarstan
Kotov S.E., Khairullin A.I. The phytosanitary condition of crops and productivity sugar beet depending on the different backgrounds of fertilizers
Minnikhanov R.N. Forest management system of the Republic Tatarstan during the period from 2001 to 2010
Minnikhanov R.N. The current state of the forest fund of the Republic Tatarstan and prospects of development of the forestry sector
Nizamov R.M., Sagdiyev R.S.Sunflower productivity depending of seeding rates in the Republic of Tatarstan
Nikiforova I.Y Melanosis of millet in the Republic of Tatarstan, Predkamye area
Serzhanov I..M, Shaikhutdinov F.Sh. Removal of nutrients yield of spring wheat depending on the background diet and seeding rates
Faizullin I.I., Nabiullin R.Z., Akhmetzyanov M.R. Agriculture biologization -the basis of highly productive agriculture
Khairullin A.I. Kotov S.E., Shaikhutdinov F.F. Productivity of sugar beet depending on the application of biological agents and fertilizers
Khismatullin M.M, Minnullin G.S., Vafina L.T., Safiollin F.N. Chemical composition and nutritive value of forage perennial grasses, depending from the background of mineral nutrition and timing of their harvest
Khismatullin M.M., Sochneva S.V. Minnullin G.S., Safiollin F.N. Influence fertilizers and climatic conditions of Tatarstan on the accumulation of nitrates in the green mass of perennial grasses