Vestnik of the Kazan State Agrarian University № 2 (32) 2014


Vashurov M.V., Khismatullin M.M. Urban and rural tourism in the context of destination development of tourism and recreational potential of the Republic of Tatarstan

Dmitrieva O.Yu. Peculiarities of small economy forms lending in rural areas

Klychova G.S., Faskhutdinova M.S. Information model of management accounting in dairy cattle

Klychova G.S., Fakhretdinova E.N., Khusainov I.F. Legal software of accounting methodology development in small and medium business of agricultural sector

Nikolaeva L.V. Analysis of factors and ways of meat subsystem of the Republic of Mari El

Fayzrakhmanov D.I., Valiev A.R. Key success factors of agricultural sector of the Netherlands

Fayzrakhmanov D.I., Edilbaev N.B. Innovative processes in agriculture in Kazakhstan

Faskhutdinova M.S. Management accounting of target costs

Khayrullina O.I. Study of structural characteristics of agrarian economy reproduction process

Khammadeeva L.K. Assessment of Kazan entrepreneur competitiveness in the regional market

Tsurkan N.V. Statistic and economic analysis of perennial grasses sown area usage in the South of Ukraine 


Belova M.V., Ziganshin B.G., Novikova G.V. Method for justification the parameters of installation for heat treatment of slaughter animals

Bulgariev G.G., Pikmullin G.V., Yunusov R.G. Justification and definition the oscillatory process of spiral-platelike working unit

Galiev I.G., Khusainov R.K. Foundation the selection of repair actions option by the intensity of resource consumption of tractor units

Khaliullin F.Kh., Akhmetzyanov I.R. Justification of the diagnostic parameters choice of energy installations of mobile machines

Khaliullin F.Kh., Medvedev V.M. Operator form of equal decision for energy installation models of mobile machines 


Avtonomov A.N. Root system weight of herbaceous vegetation on sloping lands exogenous type

Besschetnova N.N., Besschetnov V.P. Selective assessment of plus trees of a scots pine on seed yield from cones

Bikchantaev I.T., Sharafutdinov G.S. The impact of different doses and selenium compounds on productivity and its concentration in the blood and organs of fattening bulls

Borisova E.E. Influence of spring wheat predecessors on gray forest soils

Vladimirov V.P., Gaynutdinov Marat Talgatovich, Sitnikov N.V. Productivity of potato of Аrosa variety, depending on agro-machinery cultivation methods

Gazizullin A.Kh., Singatullin I.K. Birch wood state of upland Volga of the Republic of Tatarstan after drought of 2010 year

Gibadullin N.F., Igonin I.I. Artificial ecosystems of Belebey-Вugulma hill

Gibadullin N.F., Martynova M.V., Igonin I.I. Influence of season logging on formation of linden plants for recreational forests

Glukhovtsev V.V., Samokhvalova E.V. To the question of the winter wheat production process modeling and its biological yield evaluation in the conditions of the Middle Volga

Evdokimov N.V., Kondrateva L.V. Features of Kolosovskiy type of pigs on stress

Zhukova O.V., Iliushechkina N.V. Ontogeny of chamomilla suaveolens (pursh) rydb

Mostyakova A.A., Vladimirov V.P., Vladimirov K.V. Effects of growth regulators and rated doses of fertilizers on productivity of potato in the forest-steppe zone of Middle Volga

Rodin N.A., Sereda N.A., Asylbaev I.G., Bayazitova R.I., Bayazitova L.I. Agricultural and ecological state of arable soils in the forest-steppe zone of Bashkortostan

Ryzhikh L.Yu., Koposov G.F., Lipatnikov A.I., Zamalieva F.F. Effect of different tillage of grey forest soil on water content, bulk density and crop yields in crop rotation

Timoshenkova T.A., Samuilov F.D. Initial material for wheat breeding on drought resistance in the steppes of Southern Urals

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